Financial Performance

Link financial performance to budget, forecast, and business plan

With FONE, the finance F&PA department can not only assess previous business activities,
but also plan for the future based on the analysis of the present conditions.
FONE integrates the company strategies with departmental and even individual performance.

FONE Integrated Finance Planning

FONE establishes a unified integrated finance planning platform which incorporates 
each cost center of the company into a unified Integrated finance planning model.
The performance indicators of the branch offices or subsidiary companies, business segments,
and departments are thus linked, achieving data collaborative sharing.
The FP&A department can provide data support for business decisions through simulation and forecast,
and improve market response and management efficiency.
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FONE provides all what you need for Integrated Finance Planning

Budget Goal
Long-term strategic goals
Budget goals for versions 
Goal based historical data
Decompose budget goals
Budget modeling
Multi-dimensional model
Budget indicator system
Master data management
Budget distribution
Automatic distribution
Notify each department
Budget reporting
Mobile budget reporting
Budget adjustment
Budget adjustment conducted by both the headquarter and branches, Budget adjustment conducted by both the headquarter and branches
Budget execution
Release the execution notice
Rolling budget
Permission control
Version tracking
Budget analysis
Report management
Report analysis
Mobile report
Budget optimization
Business optimization
Model optimization
Process optimization

Overview of FONE integrated finance planning

Are you setting budget goals just following simple rules of thumb?
Data driven, scientific decision

The FONE budget model interconnects sales, production, purchase, and other indicators. For instance, when the sales target is changed, indicators including production and purchase will change accordingly to help you simulate the influence of various scenarios and on the enterprise operation, thereby setting more scientific and reasonable budget targets. Additionally, FONE can combine with historical data to forecast future data using python and R language, providing references for setting budget targets.

Unable to convert budget to concrete performance indicators?
Customizable budget apportionment logic

FONE supports the complicated budget apportionment logic. It decomposes the enterprise strategic targets to the business department and even each production line to form an integrated and measurable performance system, so as to perform the enterprise strategies.

Work around the clock in budget season?
Budgeting workflow wizard

FONE workflow helps you with budgeting. Instructed by the system, staff can complete the budgeting of both the headquarter and the branches, level-based budgeting, data collection level by level, and other budgeting workflows, reducing up to 80% of the time.

Is the budget always inconsistent with the actual expense?
Rolling budget

FONE supports a customized rolling model, in which rolling budgeting is performed on a monthly or quarterly basis. In this way, you can adjust your budget to meet the actual needs according to market changes. With this dynamic model, the management can stipulate and adjust the company’s near-term goals and long-term strategic layout.

Overspending the budget each year?
Cost control

The FONE cost control module can verify expenditures, pre-warn you of the over-expenditures, and have in-process control of the budget. Further, it integrates various cost control systems, making full use of the available IT resources of enterprises.

Do you know why the budget does not match the actual expense?
Budget-actual expense analysis

FONE conducts multi-level analysis of the budget and actual expense in the form of charts and multi-dimensional data reports, creates an analysis system that the management requires, finds the cause of the differences therebetween, and continuously optimizes the budget model.

Wasting a lot of time waiting for available IT resources?
Business user self-service

The FONE Integrated finance planning solution does not require users’ proficiency in programming development. Even ordinary business users can get started quickly. The most knowledgeable business experts can self-manage all aspects of the integrated finance planning, adjust the policies in real time, and respond to business needs, which reduce IT development and maintenance costs.

FONE financial performance solutions

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