F-One Sales Performance

Activate your sales potential

In an ever-changing market, you need accurate forecasts, in-depth analysis,
and flexible adjustment to sales strategies so as to make the right decision.
F-One sales performance management helps you predict market demand, motivate and direct sales, and maximize sales efficiency.

F-One Sales Forecasting

 F-One helps you accurately forecast sales,
balance the relation between supply and demand of the supply chain,
and address issues of stockpiling or supply shortage.
It assists you in developing a more reasonable funding plan.
With F-One, rational allocation of development investments and operating expenses is achieved,
bettering the enterprise cash flows.
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Can you turn sales forecasts into corporate competitiveness?

In F-One, sales forecast data can be combined with enterprise plans. For example, by integrating with inventory data and demand plans, F-One supports the sales and operation planning.

Can you incorporate multi-dimensional variables into the forecast model?

For enterprises, raw material costs, wage costs, major fiscal and taxation system adjustments, and even the overall price level of the society and CPI at the macroeconomic level will affect sales forecasts. With F-One, you can incorporate multiple factors into a unified forecast model so as to make more informed sales forecasts.

Does your forecast keep up with market changes?

In F-One, sales forecast data can be combined with enterprise plans. For example, by integrating with inventory data and demand plans, F-One supports the sales and operation planning.

Spending too much time collecting historical data for forecasting?

The F-One data stream can be directly connected to all ERP and CRM systems as well as local Excels. You can obtain the historical data needed for sales forecast with drags and drops and no data input by IT staff is required. 
A pharmaceutical group uses F-One to build a final-stage sales forecasting report and expense management platform to calculate a price data base of nearly 6 million in real time.

F-One Sales Performance Solution

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